So many of us are living with Chronic Pain, Chronic Fatigue, injuries, depression, and poor health. Many of us know that stretching and moving our bodies can improve all of these things. We know that it can improve our pain, our mental health, our energy levels, our health, and our body structure. Why then is it soooo hard to follow through???
Self-Care Pitfalls
In our super busy lives, its hard to find the time to stretch and exercise.
We don't know what to do, how long to do it, or how often to do it.
Once we have a plan, it's often hard to stick with it. We put it out of mind and return to our deeply ingrained habits.
It takes weeks to establish a habit - We are much more successful when we have someone reminding us to do it!
The 2 Minute Reset Text Program
2 Minutes: 2 x a Day​ = Very doable!!!
You will know exactly what you are supposed to do that day. The Reset Program is balanced so that your full body will improve from all of the attention. Many of the Exercises and stretches are designed to combat desk jobs and mobile phone postures and improve blood flow.
You will receive that daily reminder every morning to do your RESET, and then provide the direct link to that video.
Daily encouragement will allow you to change neuropathways and help you to make a new habit permanent in your life.